Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dalt: Make common sense recognizable to judges

Judge: Make Money Recognizable to Blind November 29, 2006 The AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — Give blind people a way to tell a $20 bill from a single, says a judge who told the government to change the nation's paper money so it doesn't all feel the same.
U.S. District Judge James Robertson on Tuesday ordered the Treasury Department to start working on the problem, leaving it up to government officials to determine the best solution. Possible changes include making bills of differing sizes or adding embossed dots or raised ink.
The government has 10 days to decide whether to appeal the ruling. The Treasury Department had no immediate comment.

Well, ole Dalt has a comment... DOES EVERY JUDGE IN AMERICA THINK THEY CAN DICTATE FEDERAL LAW??? There are approximately five hundred thousand blind in the US, who have managed quite nicely for all these years without help, thank you and suddenly, this piss-ant judge makes the determination that we have to completely revamp the entire US money supply to benefit less than two percent of the total population. Will this legislation/mandatory compliance lunacy never end? Laws are meant to protect the general populace. Yes we have to assist the less fortunate but not to the detriment or unrealistic expense of the rest of us. Common sense has died at the hands of legislated fairness. Write your representatives, write the judges, tell them to return to common sense and stop trying to legislate morality. We can take care of ourselves just fine!


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