Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Shakespeare was right

Speaking of generally goofiness, I am appalled at the manner that the city of Cincinnati settled the Owensby case, not because it was right or wrong but because of the fact that the family got 1.6 million dollars but the damnable attorneys involved got 4.4 million dollars! Wonderful altruistic motives you ambulance chasing weasels!

There should be a law that these money grubbing low lifes should never get more than half of a settlement, and in a class action suit, no more than a fourth. But you know why you'll never see that happen? Because the lawyers make the laws. Maybe if we try, we can go back to what the framers intended, citzen/statesmen serve in congress a term or two, then GO HOME. No more congressional dynasties. (are you listening Ted?) Better yet, how about a Constitutional amendment that anyone with a law degree cannot serve in congress? If they are making the laws, who are they going to insure the laws benefit? Damn betcha


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