Saturday, January 27, 2007

Deja Vu all over again

From George Mason University History News Network

Historians have directly attributed the fall of Saigon in 1975 to the cessation of American aid. Without the necessary funds, South Vietnam found it logistically and financially impossible to defeat the North Vietnamese army. Moreover, the withdrawal of aid encouraged North Vietnam to begin an effective military offensive against South Vietnam. Given the monetary and military investment in Vietnam, former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage compared the American withdrawal to β€œa pregnant lady, abandoned by her lover to face her fate.”
2 Historian Lewis Fanning went so far as to say that β€œit was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it.”

Pay attention folks. When the next 9/11 happens, remember the party in charge that brought it to you. Those who don't remember history and repeat it, are doomed


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