Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Maybe" it's too late already

Iran May Be (?) Helping Iraqis Build Bombs April 11, 2007 BAGHDAD (AP)

1.)Iranian intelligence operatives have been training Iraqi fighters inside Iran on how to use and assemble deadly roadside bombs known as EFPs, the U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday.
2.)Commanders of a splinter group inside the Shiite Mahdi Army militia have told The Associated Press that there are as many as 4,000 members of their organization that were trained in Iran and that they have stockpiles of EFPs, a weapon that causes great uneasiness among U.S. forces here because they penetrate heavily armored vehicles.

3.)U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell would not say how many militia fighters had been trained in Iran but said that questioning of fighters captured as recently as this month confirmed many had been in Iranian training camps

1. The military spokesman says they ARE.
2. Commanders of a Shiite militia say they ARE.
3. Questioned militia fighters say they ARE.

Why the hell does the AP headline say they "may be"??
Well, "maybe" they've gotten away with this crap for too long. "Maybe" the rest of the world thinks it's ok. "Maybe" we'll all just let them keep it going until there's a mushroom cloud over Israel or London or New York. Do you think that then "maybe" we might just do something?
"Maybe", but won't it be too late?


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