Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Shehan quits too! America gets a twofor!!!!

FORT WORTH— Cindy Sheehan, the soldier's mother who galvanized an anti-war movement with her monthlong protest outside President Bush's ranch, said Tuesday she's done being the public face of the movement.
"I've been wondering why I'm killing myself and wondering why the Democrats caved in to George Bush, I'm going home for awhile to try and be normal," she said.
In what she described as a "resignation letter," Sheehan wrote in her online diary on the Daily Kos blog: "Good-bye America ... you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can't make you be that country unless you want it.

Hot damn!! Rosie is off the air! Sheehan shuts up and goes home to the granola state! Her stupid self serving rhetoric evident to the last.

"you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice,
"I can't make you be that country

Your damn right you can't make us be that country! That's what being this country is all about. One shrill, pedantic shrew can't force her vision of political correctness down our throats no matter how much airplay she gets from sympathizer media. Now that she says she doesn't love this country anymore, do you think she'll leave it? Hell no, because just like all the boorish "stars" who swore they'd leave if Bush was elected, they realize no other country would permit their antics. Don't you just love how these weasels all get so self-righteous when they don't get their way? Or they try to pass off legitimate dissention as coming from -phobes or haters? Get a clue, most of us don't believe your lies, half-truths and innuendo. The media does. Our enemies do. Thank God most of the people don't


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