Thursday, July 12, 2007

And so it begins...

LONDON - A “fat tax” on salty, sugary and fatty foods could save thousands of lives each year, according to a study published on Thursday.
Researchers at Oxford University say that charging Value Added Tax (VAT) at 17.5 percent on foods deemed to be unhealthy would cut consumer demand and reduce the number of
heart attacks and strokes.
The purchase tax is already levied on a small number of products such as potato crisps, ice cream, confectionery and chocolate biscuits, but most food is exempt. The move could save an estimated 3,200 lives in Britain each year, according to the study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Read the rest

OK folks, here it is. I'm fat. Some of my friends are fat. Some of the people I hate are fat. Granted, its a poor lifestyle choice. But the worst lifestyle choice is trying to control other peoples lives. And you sanctimonious, insidious little bastards trying to do so, sit there and congratulate yourselves on your earnest, caring sensitive natures when in reality, you are reveling in your chance of potential control of other people "for their own good." Just want to remind you that that little phrase has been heard in a bunch of languages from Latin to Arabic to German (yup, those guys) Japanese, Chinese and whatever the hell passes for language in Darfur. Enough!
It starts small. For those of you old enough to remember it was; "Oh we aren't banning smoking, we just don't want it in airplanes, that's not too much to ask is it? Isn't that reasonable?" Then came the additional taxes, the the lawsuits. Now, in some states, your employer can FIRE YOU if you smoke in your own home. You can't smoke in any public structure or in most open air venues. even if you could afford it. Now they've skipped the small steps and gone straight to "suggesting" taxing the aberrant behavior. I mean, that's reasonable right? Sieg heil folks. Oh and I told you so here November 17, 2006. God, I hate being right sometimes.

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