Monday, July 30, 2007

Why do we even HAVE a criminal justice "system"

Judge Harold Kahn of San Francisco (benevolent criminal judge) thought probation was enough for a woman who had stolen the identity of another (through credit card fraud) She ran up six months of bills and bad credit. Also, the thief was already on probation. Bonus fact: The victim had collared the perp herself, following a chance meeting, and handed her to police. San Francisco Chronicle, 6-15- 07

Will someone please slap this stupid judge? It's spelled J-A-I-L you idiot! Punish criminals? What a concept! Another Gilbert Bettman* on the bench, but I've come to expect this from California crackpot courts. I've got good news/bad news. Good news; they caught Osama! Bad news; The trial will be in LA. Damn.

*GB was a Cincinnati judge beloved by our criminal element and the local bar association, who consistently rated him as "highly recommended" for re-election by local attorneys.


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