Friday, August 03, 2007

Am I hallucinating here Spocolli?

Mr. Hand: Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?
Jeff Spicoli: Learning about Cuba, and having some food.

That exchange pretty much sums up the following bit of news

LA GRITA, Venezuela (AP) — President Hugo Chavez reveled in his role as host to Hollywood star Sean Penn as they traveled together through the Venezuelan countryside in an open jeep, stopping to greet adoring crowds.
The Oscar-winning actor said little Friday, beyond saying he was working as a freelance journalist, following up on reporting stints in Iraq and Iran. In any case, his star power was clearly eclipsed by the populist president, who took the wheel, honking to the crowds, signing autographs and gathering letters from people asking for help.

What's the matter Sean? Not getting enough attention? Pissed about Madonna and all the kids? Or just trying to see if you give enough aid and comfort to the enemy of America that you too can marry Ted Turner and be one of the Top 100 women of America? Face it dude, you need to remember you're an actor. we don't care about your politics. Your support of those who would destroy our country are unconscionable at best and treasonous at least. Remember what your "daughter" said in I Am Sam;

Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too?
Lucy: No!
Conner Rhodes: How do you know?
Lucy: Because he told me.
Conner Rhodes: But he's a retard!

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