Just making sure the blog is still here and operational. It's time to confine my rants here. Facebook is a cloying whore who sucks you in and never lets go.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
About Me
- Name: Dalt Danyon
- Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I am currently in training to become a garrulous old coot. When my belt reaches my nipples and my hairline hits the back of my head, I will move to Florida and bitch about the government full time Theodore Roosevelt said, "The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life." How right he was.
- Google News
- Cincy Views
- Thesaurus.com
- Center for Consumer Freedom
- ActivistCash:Follow the Money
- Cincinnati News
- News of the Weird
- Columnist Walter Williams
Dalt's Vast Right Wing Co-conspirators
Previous Posts
- Just making sure the blog is still here and operat...
- Holy *&^%! Nearly 3 years without a post. Well tha...
- Welcome to the Obamanation
- What? No better news?
- OMG where have I been?
- Support out Troops? Not if we can help it!
- And I think to myself; "What a wonderful world."
- And these people want to run your healthcare????
- She's back, she's lying, why are you surprised?
- quick bytes