Weight Gain Means Lower Gas MileageWednesday, October 25, 2006 The Associated Press
CHICAGO (AP) — Want to spend less at the pump? Lose some weight. That's the implication of a new study that says Americans are burning nearly 1 billion more gallons of gasoline each year than they did in 1960 because of their expanding waistlines. Simply put, more weight in the car means lower gas mileage."The bottom line is that our hunger for food and our hunger for oil are not independent. There is a relationship between the two," said University of Illinois researcher Sheldon Jacobson, a study co-author. Man, Is this idiot brilliant or what? Sheldon Jacobson, remember that name kids. One day, he'll be up there with Einstein, Hawkins and the rest of the greats.The lost mileage is pretty small for any single driver. Jacobson said the typical driver — someone who records less than 12,000 miles annually — would use roughly 18 fewer gallons of gas over the course of a year by losing 100 pounds. At $2.20 per gallon, that would be a savings of almost $40.The average man weighs 191 pounds, the average woman weighs 164. Do the math.Outside experts said that even if the calculations aren't exact, the study makes sense.It makes sense? How, by recommending malnourishment?
The same effect has been seen in airplanes. Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that heavy fliers have contributed to higher fuel costs for airlines.Great. My tax dollars at work, funding more idiots.Jacobson, an industrial engineer, conducted the research with Laura McLay, a doctoral student in his Champaign-Urbana lab who now works at Virginia Commonwealth University.Why is she in Virginia? Did she realize he was an idiot too?The amount of extra fuel consumption blamed on weight gain since 1960 — 938 million gallons — would fill almost 2 million cars with gas for an entire year. However, that is only 0.7 percent of the total amount of fuel consumed by U.S. passenger vehicles each year, Jacobson said.Wonderful. All this "research" to realize a .07 per cent increase? If we all lose 100 pounds? Is this what passes for scholarly research in America today? No wonder we're getting our ass handed to us. It's a wonder someone hasn't taken over this country already.